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91 免费国产永久入口导航精品




责任编辑:于健 SF069最新型的“猎鹰9号” Block 5版本火箭是这款火箭的最高升级版。根据此前(5月4日)在NASA肯尼迪航天中心具有历史纪念意义的39A发射台进行的静止实验表明,这款火箭已经做好了进行首次发射的准备。本次发射的载荷是“孟加拉国一号”卫星。这是孟加拉国首颗地球静止轨道通讯卫星。该星由泰雷兹-阿莱尼亚宇航公司研制,采用空客4000B2平台,搭载26路Ku波段以及14路C波段转发器,发射后将定点于东经119.1度赤道上空,主要服务于孟加拉国及其周边区域,设计寿命15年。

Simon: China has become the factory of the world, as expected for many years。 It has gone through a transformation from low cost, low price, low quality producer to a medium cost, price, quality producer。 In some sectors Chinese companies are world-class manufacturers, a good example are railroads。 But in general the quality of typical Chinese products is not yet at the level of German products。 It is important to be realistic about these facts and not to dream。 The objective quality is one side, the perceived quality is the other side。 Perceived quality is created through objective quality plus branding。 And branding remains a weakness of Chinese firms。 There are only two Chinese companies among the top 100 in the world, Huawei is No。 70 and Lenovo is No。 100。

CNS: As a natural follow-up, how do you evaluate China’s technological progress over the past 4 decades after the Reform and Opening-up policy was steadfastly implemented? And why the technology and innovation is so critical in the context of the new economy?

CNS: We have noticed that the German government has recently launched the National Industrial Strategy 2030, which aims to maintain the leading position facing the tremendous competitions from the US and China。 Several industries have been identified to be ones representing Germany’s manufacturing excellence and the government is urged to be more supportive, in another sense, to be more protective。 So how do you view this directional change of the government to be more involved in the business activities? What are the impacts on the mittelstand sector, which is the backbone of Corporate Germany? Meantime, how can Germany and China achieve a win-win situation taking into account the variables of the government policies?
